Friday, Mar. 14, 2025


Patti Schofler

The 3-year-old Przewalski’s horse is a clone carrying precious genetic material from the past, helping preserve an entire species’ future.


By nature, Releve' wants to sit, flexing her hind joints like a star dressage horse. She sits getting out of the trailer. Her first time

The demonstration riders and more than 160 auditors took quite a bit of knowledge away from the Adequan/USDF FEI-Level Trainers Conference West, March

More than a few in the audience were surprised when dressage and sport horse breed judge Kristi Wysocki measured the length from a horse’s poll

The word “confidence” rang out many times—from the covered arena where Debbie McDonald coached developing rider Genay Vaughn on Donarweiss GGF and 15 minutes later

“Pipeline” is becoming a key word in the U.S. dressage community as the sport implements a coaching module that reaches deep into the country’s resources

If you’ve ever received a dressage test and spent the next hour going line by line, trying to decipher the scribbled notations and finally throwing

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