Misty River Hounds
1369 Madison 1335,
Huntsville, Arkansas 72740.
Established 1989.
Registered 1991.
Recognized 1992.
Hunt Attire: Black, gray collar. Staff–Scarlet, gray collar. Evening–scarlet, grey collar facings. MFH: (1991) Dina Del Guercio, 1369 Madison 1335, Huntsville, AR 72740, Tel: 479-559-2904. Hon. Sec.: Nancy C. Hartney, 5794 S. Shaeffer Rd., Fayetteville, AR 72701, Tel: 479-839-3894. Huntsman: The MFH. Whippers-In: (hon) Kelly Hissom, Tracy Cheever, Bruce Cheever, Sandy Hamm. Kennels: Huntsville, Ark. Foxhounds: 20 couples Crossbred. Hunting: Fox, coyote. Season: Mid-October–March. Meet: Wednesdays, Saturdays and occasional Sundays. Visitors permitted to hunt. For details contact the MFH or Hon. Sec. Hounds went out 60 times last season.
The country is approximately 20 by 20 miles. Rolling pastures interspersed with wooded coverts. Fences are coops and timber rails. A fit horse is a must.