Friday, Mar. 14, 2025

As It Happens-Pan Ams Dressage Day 2

Check out the Chronicle's live blog of all of the Dressage Day 2 action.


Welcome back for day 2 of team dressage at the Pan American Games! Today the team medals will be decided. To get caught up, you can read our end-of-day coverage from day 1 or the play-by-play. Live results are here

We don’t know about bronze yet, though we’ll update when we do. But we do know: USA-Gold, Canada-Silver. Check back at shortly for more details.

5:20 p.m. Not Steffen and Legolas’ cleanest test, with a break to canter in extended trot, a stop in piaffe, minor mistake in the two tempis and mistakes in the ones. But they’re done and they’ll be back to fight for an individual medal.

5:10 p.m. Steffen Peters and Legolas 92 are next and last for the U.S.! Knowing that we already won the gold medal is taking some of the suspense out…but of course Steffen still wants an awesome ride!

5:02 p.m. We just heard that U.S. is the gold medal winner thanks to the scores of the three riders who’ve gone! There’s still Steffen Peters to go though, but we can’t finish lower than first. 

5:00 p.m. OK we’re getting close here! Next is the final rider for Mexico, Bernadette Pujals. 

4:57 p.m. Ramon Beca Borrego and Zaire doing their Special now. Ramon’s grey hair is actually dyed a subtle blue for his country of Uruguay. You can only see it when he removes his top hat.

4:52 p.m. And we have an updated score for Laura Graves! She’s actually in the lead with 77.17 percent!

4:50 p.m. Poor Belinda didn’t have quite the ride she wanted yesterday after Anton came unglued going around the outside of the ring. But today she looks much happier! A few small bobbles, and he got behind the vertical for moments, but overall a lovely and smooth effort. Canada loves her!

4:39 p.m. Canada has their next (and last) rider in the ring with Belinda Trussell on Anton. We’re just four rides away from knowing our 2015 Pan American Games team dressage gold medalists…

4:36 p.m. Cesar Lopardo and Tyara are doing the Grand Prix Special now, the last pair from Argentina. 

4:33 p.m. Laura picks up a 75.33 percent, and that’ll slot her into fourth individually right now! With that plus the 1.5 percent Grand Prix coefficient, that’s a super team score for the U.S. 

4:29 p.m. Megan Lane gets a 71.29 percent for her ride and for Canada. We’re still waiting on the score for Laura. 

4:28 p.m. That was a clean test for Laura and Diddy! Laura’s mentioned before that he has a hard time in the heat, and he did seem a little less energetic today than yesterday, a little less crisp in the piaffe, but you can tell he tried his absolute hardest all the way through. That should be a great score for the USA. 

4:20 p.m. Here come Laura and Diddy! Laura’s known for how she only walks Diddy around the outside of the arena, picking up canter right before entering. 

4:19 p.m. Next up, the third rider for the U.S., Laura Graves and Verdades, or “Diddy” as he’s known. This pair have such a partnership and will be looking to improve their score a bit more from yesterday. Diddy’s speciality is the collected work and he has incredible power sitting in the piaffe and passage. 

4:11 p.m. Megan’s horse has a ton of presence and starts off with a bang in the extended trot. The mare fussed a bit at the beginning of her two tempi line, but got them all in. She’s super uphill in the ones and looked like she was trying so hard. They pulled those off well! Unfortunately they have some mistakes in the ones on the centerline, but the pirouettes are lovely.

4:06 p.m. This test is tough with a line of one-tempis on the centerline, followed by a canter pirouette, but this pair do it well. Granada has a lot of sit to his piaffe on the final centerline and they finish well for Argentina. Next up is Canadian favorite Megan Lane and Caravella. This mare used to be a jumper before Megan saw dressage potential in her.

4:01 p.m. It’s time for the last group of the day, who are all riding the Grand Prix Special. First up is Micaela Mabragana and Granada, a Swedish Warmblood gelding. He’s a huge chestnut with quite a nice passage. They have a bit of a miscommunication in the trot half pass unfortunately, and Granada canters a bit. He seems a bit tense over his topline in the extended trot, but his transition back into passage and into the extended walk are smooth.

3:40 p.m. Royal Affair bucks a bit in a flying change, and the crowd gasps! Aaaand we’re on another break now. The last of the day! Next up: Grand Prix Special. Here are the times you need:

U.S. rider times: 

4:20: Laura Graves and Verdades

5:10: Steffen Peters and Legolas 92

Canadian rider times:

4:10: Megan Lane and Caravella

4:40: Belinda Trussell and Anton

3:34 p.m. Leggy horse, tall and leggy rider too with Luis and Royal Affair, who’s a Hanoverian by Royal Diamond. The stands have cleared out a bit in this set. Not sure if everyone is grabbing a snack before the Grand Prix starts, or if the heat scared them off. 

3:29 p.m. Ajajio swaps off after the first pirouette, but his second was better. No issues with the twos. They finish on a square halt. We’ll have Luis Denizard on Royal Affair in next as an invidual for Puerto Rico. 

3:27 p.m. This pair had a lovely free walk, and then a crisp transition into canter. 

3:22 p.m. One of our top 10ers from yesterday, Esther Mortimer Jones and Adajio are next in. They were ninth in the PSG for Guatamala. 

3:12 p.m. Alejandro’s just finished his ride, and he tips his top hat to the judge. Coming up next is Virginia Yarur with Finn for Chile. They had a nice ride yesterday, for 16th place individually. 

3:08 p.m. Alejandro Gomez Sigala and Zalvador in the ring now. We have three more after this pair in this last small tour group, and then we’ll move to Grand Prix Special. 

3:05 p.m. Score update, the top 15 right now:


2:47 p.m. Waiting on her score now…Whoop whoop! She’s going to take the lead with a 77.26 provisional!

2:46 p.m. Kim gives Reno a big hug at the end, and he just stands there, soaks it up. The U.S. group goes wild, Robert and Debbie are hugging. 

2:45 p.m. The canter half-pass zig-zag is bang on, and they take off for the extended canter (again, in a good way). Nails the threes. Pirouettes are good, small. Nails the twos as well! Quick pat for “Reno.”

2:42 p.m. Kim really knows how to pick up every point she can. Every movement is accurately ridden, circles are the right size. That part sounds easy, but we all know it’s not! She said yesterday Rosmarin really shines in the I1.  

2:40 p.m. Smooth entrance and halt, explosive (in a good way) first extended trot. Kim knows this horse exceptionally well; she’s ridden him since he was 4. 

2:35 p.m. Next in is U.S. rider Kim Herslow riding Rosmarin! Here is from her Prix St. Georges test yesterday. 


Kim Herslow

2:32 p.m. This is a big black horse, and he’s quite elegant but also powerful. He’s a 10-year-old by Wonder Boy. She’s thrilled with her ride at the conclusion. 

2:29 p.m. We’re back! This is the second-to-last group for the team competition, and it’s the last group for the small tour. Maria Florencia Manfredi is first after the break with Bandurria Kacero. 

2:10 p.m. Another drag break. Things are gonna be heating up here though (also literally…it’s hot!) as the last two groups jockey for medal positions. 

2:06 p.m And Brittany gets a 76.07% to go into second. Next in the ring is Julio Mendoza on Chardonnay. This is a beautiful chestnut with lots of chrome. His pirouettes are a little rough, but his changes are good.

2:00 p.m. Much happiness at the last halt. The crowd goes wild, and All In gets a little nervous. So many Canadian flags waving! 

1:59 p.m. He gets just a bit stuck coming out of the first pirouette, but the second is better. Two tempis are clean, and their last diagonal is flawless. 

1:56 p.m. All In looking happy that he’s showing off for all these fans. Can’t find fault with any of their trot work. Brittany’s laying it down again too. 

1:54 p.m. Brittany and All In are in the ring now. If you’ve never seen this horse in person, he’s absolutely massive, a Dutch Warmblood by Tango. Brittany is petite too, but she rides him beautifully. 

1:52 p.m. Alright, things are about to get crazyyyy in here, as Canada’s Brittany Fraser heads in. They were second individually yesterday. 

1:50 p.m. Costa Rica’s Christer Egerstrom putting in a polished test with Bello Oriente. This horse has a tendency to get behind-the-vertical, but you can tell Christer is working to prevent that. 

1:45 p.m. Oh boy, some of the crowd is getting very excited at this point, and they couldn’t hold back their cheers for Joao until after the final halt! He’s going to slot into third right now with 70.15 percent. 

1:38 p.m. There are almost two separate competitions happening here right now–one between the U.S. and Canada for gold and silve, and another between Mexico and Brazil for bronze. Joao Paulo Dos Santos is riding for that bronze medal with Veleiro Do Top. He got a 67.84 percent in yesterday’s Intermediaire I. 

1:26 p.m. Alexandra Dominguez and Beijing A are in next. This horse has quite an interesting front leg action, especially in walk. He struggled a bit in the first pirouette, but the second one was better. His three tempis were good, but there was a mistake in the twos.

1:24 p.m. They smoothed out their issues in the canter. It seems cantering was what Favory wanted to do all along! Clean and jumping three tempis. They stay in trot through the last extended, though Favory spooks once more in that corner by K. He still gets plenty of pats. 

1:20 p.m. Oh no! Favory spooks as he heads down centerline, and canters off. But he goes back to work after the halt. He canters off again in the second extended trot. Something at the end is clearly bothering him. 

1:16 p.m. Chile’s Oscar Coddou Molina’s next with the Lippizan stallion Favory Duba 66! I know there are lots of fans of this horse out there, and he is indeed very cool, as well as being very adorable. Because no one should have to miss out on his adorableness…


1:14 p.m. Patricia Ferrando Zilio and Alpha’s Why Not having a very nice and active test. It’s a cute chesnut, and he has this very cheerful way of going at the trot. 

1:06 p.m. PHOTO BREAK! Here’s Sabine Schut-Kery and Sanceo after their ride earlier. We’ve posted a gallery of pics from the morning if you want to see


1:00 p.m. Welcome back! First after the lunch break is Honduras’ Karen Atala Zablah on Weissenfels. He has those great floppy ears we all love on dressage horses. 

11:59 a.m. And with Marco’s salute, we’re on lunch break. Here are your scores from the morning. We’ll be back at 1 p.m., see you soon!


11:55 a.m. Marco Bernal is our last rider of the morning; he’s in the ring with Farewell IV for Colombia. 

11:45 a.m. Looks like Sabine is going to slot into second with 73.55 percent. Mexico’s Jose Padilla is in the ring now with Donnersberg. 

11:43 a.m. Sabine’s emotional walking out, and Debbie McDonalds points at her eyes too. I think she was probably crying, which is so sweet. We’re waiting on her score now…

11:34 a.m. Sabine Schut-Kery and Sanceo for the U.S. are in the ring next! They’ll be looking for a mistake-free test after a bobble in the changes yesterday. Sanceo is so fancy in his trot. He just floats across the ground in the extended trot. Sanceo is really thriving on the tougher work in this I1 test. He perfects his two-time changes for today! She should be very happy. 

11:31 a.m. Canada’s Chris von Martels entered the ring to a thunderous applause and put in a “personal best” test, only marred by a slight break in rhythm in the last extended canter. They score a 76.21% to take the lead!

11:08 a.m. Anne Egerstrom Batalla is next in the ring from Costa Rica. She’s riding on the team with her mother, Michelle Batalla Navarro, who rode earlier. Her horse is Amorino, a lovely grey gelding. He’s very tall and Anne is too, so they make an elegant pair. His changes aren’t super expressive, but they’re correct. Her pirouettes are nice, maybe a bit wide. The stands appear a bit more full today and the clouds are helping keep the heat down a bit.

11:00 a.m. Joao’s test has been very correct so far. Xama Dos Pinhais is very quiet and workmanlike and Joao sits so correctly in the saddle. He must carry his hands higher to allow this stallion’s short neck to extend. His flying changes are very expressive and he looks like he could do the pirouette in his sleep! They have a little miscommunication going back into trot from canter by M, but they recover to show off one last extended trot on the diagonal. They finish with a beautifully square final halt and walk out on a loose rein. What a wonderful partnership!

10:57 a.m. Now we’ve got the 19-year-old phenom, Joao Victor Marcari Oliva, who’s the youngest rider here for the dressage. He’s riding for Brazil on a very cute Lusitano stallion, Xama Dos Pinhais. Joao is a very secure-looking rider on this diminutive grey. They start off with a bang on square halt.

10:52 a.m Now we’ve got Andrea Schorpp Pinot and Zedrick Dyloma in the ring. She has a lovely full pirouette on the Dutch Warmblood stallion. She unfortunately missed the last of her two time changes. He had quite a spook by H but Andrea got him back quickly and they’re focused now. A little bit of a messy final halt, but they finish well.

10:45 a.m. Sorry for the delay, we’re back from the break with Julio Fonseca and Wettkong from Chile. This is a huge bay Hanoverian gelding who seems a bit low in the contact at times, but certainly has a bouncy, ground covering trot. An interesting note that most riders so far have been wearing top hats. Julio scores a 61.94%.

10:12 a.m. Virginia McKey and Wolkenglanz are here representing Bermuda as individuals, and they’ll be last before our first morning break. We’ll start back up at 10:40 with Julio Fonseca and Wettkonig. In case you’re curious, here at the times for U.S. and Canadian riders today:

U.S. rider times:

11:34: Sabine Schut-Kery on Sanceo

2:39: Kimberly Herslow on Rosmarin 

4:27: Laura Graves and Verdades

5:10: Steffen Peters and Legolas 92


Canadian rider times:

11:16: Christopher Von Martels and Zilverstar

1:54: Brittany Fraser and All In 

4:10: Megan Lane and Caravella

4:40: Belinda Trussell and Anton

10:10 a.m. The scores today so far. You can follow along with them here too


10:02 a.m. The talk of these Games so far (besides about the horses and riders of course…) is definitely the lack of online streaming by CBC, who own the television rights to the event. Nearly everyone around us in the press area is chatting about it, and the riders are also upset. To add insult to injury, no one else is allowed to do any video; the grooms aren’t even supposed to be videoing their own riders, though some are. We just had our Go Pro out to take a quick picture, and someone from the event came over to make sure we weren’t doing video. 

10:00 a.m. Next in is Irina Moleiro de Muro on Von Primaire. She’s borrowing this horse from Australian Kelly Layne, and they picked up a 65.50 percent in yesterday’s Prix St. Georges. 

9:55 a.m. It’s a score of 67.18 percent for Donelly 3 and Sarah for Brazil. Vivi Light earns a 62.02 percent. Now in the ring, our first helmet of the day! It’s Juan Sanchez de Brigard and First Fisherman. 

9:46 a.m. Michelle Batalla Navarro and Vivi Light are in the ring now. This Dutch Warmblood mare is by the stallion Come Back II, who you might know as the sire of U.S. stars Calecto V and Come On III. 

9:42 a.m. Sarah finishes and showers her horse with pats and hugs. He’s looking proud of himself too, scoping out the crowd as they clap for him. Seriously, how cute is he? 


9:38 a.m. Sarah is another choosing a top hat in this competition. I think we’re actually seeing more top hats than helmets here, which hasn’t been the trend of late. She has just a little blip in the second extended trot; he almost breaks to canter. Otherwise the trot work was clean and expressive. 

9:35 a.m. Don’t think this photo from yesterday adequately displays it, but Donelly 3 is the shiniest horse! He’s headed into the ring now with Sarah Elizabeth Waddell for Brazil. All the horses today are already pretty sweaty heading into the ring. Must be the humidity. 


9:34 a.m. Margarita completes her test to plenty of cheers from the growing crowd. 

9:27 a.m. Guatamala’s Margarita de Castillo is heading in the ring now with Quanderus, a Mecklenburg gelding by Quando-Quando. This horse has a nice way of flowing through most of the trot work, though he gets a little stuck in the half-pass. 

9:17 a.m. Everybody Dance Now! In the ring for Chile with Manuel Aponte Gonzalez. This is an elegant nearly black horse with four white socks. Their score yesterday was a 58.84 percent for 41st individually. 

9:08 a.m. We just heard that Maria Aponte Gonzalez with Prety Woman won’t be competing today, so there’s a very short break. Maria was 42nd yesterday with a 57.78 percent. 

9:06 a.m. This gelding (by De Niro) has a big cresty neck, and he’s putting in a very steady test for Brazil. Finish with a square halt and another fist pump. Leandro earns a 69.02 percent for this I1 test. 

9:04 a.m. Just to set the scene, it’s quite warm already this morning, and it’s humid too. The stands are maybe 1/10 full at this point. 

9:00 a.m. The first in the ring today is again Brazil’s Leandro Aparecido Da Silva on Di Caprio. He had a lovely ride yesterday, and was very happy about it!


8:50 a.m. We’re starting back here at 9:00 a.m., and all horses and riders go in the same order as they did yesterday. The only difference is that today they do either the Grand Prix Special or the Intermediaire I. 

In the meantime, here’s all the information you need and want. Here’s the full list of ride times. Want to see pictures of the venue? The next question you’re going to ask: Is it streaming anywhere? It’s not! But follow along here throughout the day for updates on the action. 

U.S. rider times:

11:34: Sabine Schut-Kery on Sanceo

2:39: Kimberly Herslow on Rosmarin 

4:27: Laura Graves and Verdades

5:10: Steffen Peters and Legolas 92

Canadian rider times:

11:16: Christopher Von Martels and Zilverstar

1:54: Brittany Fraser and All In 

4:10: Megan Lane and Caravella

4:40: Belinda Trussell and Anton






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