Thursday, Mar. 13, 2025

Free Rein With: Peter Pletcher

A consummate professional with an easygoing demeanor aptly describes Peter Pletcher, a trainer known for his positive attitude with horses and students. Receiving a pony for his 12th birthday kick-started Pletcher’s successful career, which includes three World Champion Hunter Rider Professional Finals titles. Pletcher’s career victories include the $50,000 President’s Cup with Uncle Sam at the 1991 Washington International Horse Show, which put him on the map in the grand prix ring.



A consummate professional with an easygoing demeanor aptly describes Peter Pletcher, a trainer known for his positive attitude with horses and students. Receiving a pony for his 12th birthday kick-started Pletcher’s successful career, which includes three World Champion Hunter Rider Professional Finals titles. Pletcher’s career victories include the $50,000 President’s Cup with Uncle Sam at the 1991 Washington International Horse Show, which put him on the map in the grand prix ring. Pletcher was also named the Chronicle’s Show Hunter Horseman of the Year in 1998 after sweeping the indoor circuit on horses such as Geste, January’s Best and Davenport.

Name: Peter Pletcher              
Home Base: Magnolia, Texas                 
Age: 48

If you hadn’t become a horseman, where would you be right now?
Probably a lawyer.

Given the chance, what horse other than your own would you like to have taken a turn on?
Rox Dene.

What word or phrase do you overuse?

What is your drink of choice?
Water…no really, I drink water all the time.

What characteristic do you most value in a horse?
Quiet and a good mover.


In a human?

What’s in your fridge?

Salad, vegetables, lemons and oranges.

What was the last book you read?
People magazine. I’m not much of a reader.

What do you think is the biggest issue facing the world today?
Getting out of the war.

What equine fad do you dislike?
I hate those sparkly belts, because people who shouldn’t wear them do. They draw attention to the wrong places.

What’s the most ridiculous part of the horse world?
That we always are showing in the worst weather.

Biggest pet peeve?

What’s the best decision you’ve made in life?
Quitting drinking.


Any horse show superstitions?
I always pull on my left boot first.

Do you have any vices?
No not anymore, because I just quit smoking three months ago.

What’s the best feeling in the world?
Mondays, because it’s my day off.

If you had to boil down your training philosophy into one word, what would it be?


Where is your favorite place to travel?

What is your favorite meal?
Steak and potatoes.

Where will you be in 10 years?
Still riding.




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