Members of the U.S. Hunter Jumper Association Officials Committee have announced support for horses showing expression and enthusiasm in the hunter ring.
According to the statement, “The USHJA Officials Committee is a strong advocate of allowing a horse to show expression, not to the point of it being a safety issue or significantly disrupting the round, but natural and enthusiastic about the job at hand.”
Julie Winkel, chair of the Officials Committee, said they decided to issue the statement in light of the ongoing Carolina Gold controversy. She said she hopes the statement will encourage judges, trainers, veterinarians and young riders to be more aware of the dangers of modifying horses’ behaviors through drugs.
“Let’s do a good job of training our horses and do right for our horses and the sport,” Winkel said.
She said the ongoing education programs, such as the U.S. Equestrian Federation Licensed Officials Clinics, will help educate judges to reward enthusiasm. “We are strongly trying to educate all of the big and small judges that they should reward enthusiasm instead of look for dead slugs,” Winkel said.
“As a judge you are making a statement. If you penalize a horse heavily because it shakes its head, you’re sending the wrong message to the professionals,” she said. “By making this statement, it’s putting it out there: ‘No, that’s not what we’re looking for.’ ”