Wednesday, Apr. 24, 2024

Back In The Game

What a week. I took a quick (no kidding—about 50 hours, including traveling!) trip to London with my mom and was rewarded with the nastiest head cold/flu I think I've ever had, certainly in my adult life. I spent THREE DAYS in bed. I've NEVER spent three days in bed.

It was torture. Naturally they were three of the most beautiful days we've had, cool and breezy. And all the horses are going so well, and I had a ton of lessons I had to cancel… ugh. And all I could do was go from bed to the couch, and back again. Charming.



What a week. I took a quick (no kidding—about 50 hours, including traveling!) trip to London with my mom and was rewarded with the nastiest head cold/flu I think I’ve ever had, certainly in my adult life. I spent THREE DAYS in bed. I’ve NEVER spent three days in bed.

It was torture. Naturally they were three of the most beautiful days we’ve had, cool and breezy. And all the horses are going so well, and I had a ton of lessons I had to cancel… ugh. And all I could do was go from bed to the couch, and back again. Charming.

Fortunately I’m almost completely recovered, and I’m back to work. I zipped down to Wytheville for my monthly clinic there, and everyone was great. I love teaching clinics, especially with such a fun group of people. It’s a change of pace for me, plus getting off the farm is always fun (especially when you’ve been confined to a teeny apartment for three days!). And I must be doing something right because they keep inviting me back!

On the home front, my amazing girls kept the critters going for me, so no one felt like they’d had any time off at all. And this is a good thing, because we’re T-minus two days ’til the show season really kicks off with the PVDA Ride For Life. I love this show—great venue, a GREAT cause, and just a fun, high-energy atmosphere.

Ella is going as a spectator; Michael’s exhibiting in the Saturday night freestyle demonstration, and I figured it was easier for me to go two hours away for lessons than five hours up to his place.


She’s working terrific, and I’m sure I’ll be twitchy about NOT showing her, but she’ll get her chance in Lexington in a few weeks. She’s getting better and stronger at everything, and it’s slow progress, but the best part about it is that she’s just as cool as a cucumber mentally. She doesn’t get frazzled when I turn the heat up, and I put the reins down and she walks along like no big thing. Good girl, Ella!

I’m showing a cute client horse at training level this weekend, which I’m looking forward to, but the highlight of the weekend will be Tres’ first Grand Prix. He, too, is working super, but he’s definitely not as strong as Ella, so fingers crossed.

I have my usual bunch of clients, and all are looking in fighting form, so here’s hoping for a great show, with lots of pink and no traces of my plague!
Sprieser Sporthorse




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